A Letter from the Founding Chair of the Christian Transhumanist Association

By Christopher Benek

Dear CTA,

I want to say that it has been an honor serving as the Board Chair of the CTA for the past 3 years. This is an organization admittedly still in its infancy, and it rightly means a lot of different things to a lot of different people. But its creation is significant to me primarily because it offers an alternative to secular transhumanism. That is because Christian Transhumanism is transhumanism that happens in community that seeks to love its neighbors as Christ commanded.

We may not always be good at that—actually we may sometimes be awful at it—but our motivation at its heart is the selflessness of Christ, not the ego driven Will to Power that motivates many (not all) secular transhumanists.

I think that as Christian Transhumanists we are called to discernment in community—in Christ—as to what technological future we are called to steward forward. The only way this works though is if we are willing to ultimately humble ourselves for the good of others. This means that different voices need to be heard—even those that are wildly disenfranchised—within a community that strives to live into the formational teachings of Jesus. It is certainly hard work. It takes patience and sacrifice and, maybe most importantly, a fervent desire for reconciliation. But in this humility, I think, comes the honor of a vocational call that promises, in Jesus, to allow us to participate in the redemption of humanity and all of creation as Image Bearers and Stewards on behalf of God.

But given all of this, I’ve discerned that it wouldn’t model the right behavior for the CTA’s first Board Chair to attempt to cling to power. For that is the exact critique that we should have of secular transhumanists. Our true power—as Creatures made in the Image of God—arises only in obedience and submission through Christ. And so it is for this reason primarily that I’ve decided not to seek to remain as a board member. This will be a good break for me to foster creativity in other areas and to enjoy my family—particularly my little techno-baby who is about to turn two. It is my intention to continue to aid, walk with, and to be part of the conversations of the CTA in whatever ways I may be able to be helpful.

When I initially called Micah Redding to see if he was interested in founding the CTA with me, my intention was that the CTA would stand as this visible alternative to secular transhumanism. I think that most thoughtful folks recognize this fact. I think that is also of note that it was my intention—from the start—that Micah Redding would serve as the CTA Executive Director for an indefinite period of time as long as the Board continued to be satisfied with his leadership. As you all know, he continues to do a fine job. I think most folks here would affirm Micah’s vocational calling to the role he is serving in. So it is my prayer that you will continue to support him in the work of Christ.

We Christian Transhumanists are a New Creation in Jesus. Will we have challenges? Certainly. Will we have to continue to discern our theological identity? Who among us doesn’t? Do we certainly know what is next to come? Not exactly! But there is one thing that we all have the power to ensure. That we will experience it together. May God’s grace steward us as we seek to humbly steward Humanity and all of Creation.

Many Blessings,


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