Everyone Has a God/god(s)

By Christopher Benek

Atheists, or “persons who do not believe in God or gods”, simply do not exist. This might seem a harsh statement if you currently are convinced that you are one, but I assure you it’s not. Actually, if you consider the following you will realize that rational people who “don’t believe in God” are actually simply agnostics.

You see, everyone has a God/god(s). For some like, Richard Dawkins, it may be science that they worship. Others may worship sports or work or money. After showing the below proof to one student who claimed to be a self-professed atheist, he quickly declared that indeed his god was his PS3.

Now if by “Atheist’ you simply mean you don’t believe in the Christian God, well I can understand that. Until my junior year in college I was highly skeptical of religion as well, particularly Christianity. This skepticism arose mostly because the hypocritical nature of Christ’s self-proclaimed followers really confused me and turned me off.

My experience though, is that most people don’t have a problem with the concept of a big “G” God per say, they just don’t care for the people/institutions who claim to represent God.

But even if you don’t believe in a big “G” God – you still worship a little “g” one. By definition then you aren’t an atheist. And, if you are at all, at least open to the possibility that a big “G” God could exist – because you undertake the possibility that you don’t know everything that there is to know- then you are an agnostic.

The question that I’d ask you to consider, logically then is: If you acknowledge that indeed you do have a God/god(s) then which God/god(s) will you choose to worship?

Check out the proof below. Hopefully this will help some folks to further positive conversations about our inherent need to worship as human beings.

Everyone has a God/god(s) – by Rev. Christopher Benek

Everyone has a god. The definition of a god simply put is: a person or thing that is excessively worshiped and admired; an all absorbing passion, pursuit, or hobby; something idolized. [i] By definition excess is simply an amount or quality greater than is necessary [ii] and worship in its most basic form means to have an ardent devotion, or adoration for. [iii] This means that one must simply have actual or substantial concern [iv ] for a passion, pursuit, or hobby that is slightly more that needed for it to be considered a god. Thus it becomes apparent that, although it may not be personified, everyone has a god/God.

One cannot “believe in nothing” because even the idea of “nothing” is still something… therefore, after considering the aforementioned proposition, by definition the concept of an “atheist”; One who disbelieves or denies the existence of God or gods [v], is a fallacy.

i. McKechnie, Jean L. Webster’s New Universal Unabridged Dictionary: Second Edition Dorset & Baber, New York, NY 1983. p. 782

ii. Ibid 636

iii. The American Heritage® Dictionary of the English Language, Fourth Edition Copyright © 2000 by Houghton Mifflin Company.

iv. Ibid. The definition of “adoration” is profound love or regard. And to “regard” is simply to have concern for.

v. “atheist.” The American Heritage® Dictionary of the English Language, Fourth Edition. Houghton Mifflin Company, 2004. 26 Sept. 2006

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